With Pleasure
My parents went to Switzerland
and all I got are these photos
So you want to be a CEO
I attended a great talk today by Ram Gupta . He is a great public speaker and the talk proceeded like a conversation with the audience…
An entirely random brain dump
An experiment
I have given up my cell phone for the next month. Instead I am using skype ( with a 12 dollar skypein subscription ) and unlimited free…
C# @if
C# allows us to use keywords as variable names as long as they are prefixed with the @ symbol. So @if, @while, @do is all valid C#.
C# enums can be of the following types
byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, or ulong and they need to be explicitly converted when they are used as that type
I want to hold your hand in Hindi
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5ky5ClIjL8%22 All of those who blame Anu Malik please remember that plagarism and Hindi cinema go together…
Test post from Word 2007
I just got my hands on the office 2007 beta. This is a test post with the new word blog features. Sadly they get the post timestamp wrong…
Marissa Mayer
Recently I watched a article on business week gives away her schedule. Copy pasted here for inspiration. 8:00 a.m. Wake-up, get ready…