Continuing education
In my copius spare time I watch videos from…
My one addiction
People who know me from my NMSU days might remember the huge stack of library books stashed away in my office. I am a big book/ book…
I rarely listen to music. I mean i never go out of my way to listen to music. Most of the time I use music ( western classical Mozart et al…
From a conversation
Rarely do I hear such words of wisdom when I am talking with someone
I had heard good things about this movie and also read that it was inspired by my favorite book and movie “The Godfather”. Well as a movie…
C auto magic string concatenation
void myfunc(char * msg) { printf(msg); } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { printf(“Hello ” “World\n”); myfunc(“Hello ” “World\n…
C auto magic string concatenation (revisited )
Well the concatenation works only with string literals. For example this fails to compile char *s1 = “Hello ”; char *s2 = “World\n”; printf…
Good Bye, Lenin!
I had borrowed this movie from the Las Cruces city library, but the DVD I borrowed turned out to be kaput and I could only watch it half way…
Da exercise schedule
Monday Cardio bike Tuesday With Alex* Wednesday Cardio (bike) + Biceps (hammer curls) + Triceps (one arm extension) thursday Cardio (bike…
Mixed Doubles
I have been in the USA for nearly 3 years now without a trip back home to India. For a long time nearly a year (before I came to the Bay…