sudarshan gaikaiwari

mostly programming

A Simple Matter of Software

2007/06 sudarshan gaikaiwariTech

This is one of the best blogs devoted to software engineering. My favorite posts from this blog are

Don’t just test, change how you code

Lessons from Iwo Jima

I really like how Kerry explains best practices for all facets of software engineering. From actual programming to team morale everything is covered with great insights.

Sudarshan Gaikaiwari

Sudarshan Gaikaiwari I am an experienced software developer. My current stack is

  • Frontend

    • React, Webpack, Babel, Emotion, Gatsby
    • es6+, Typescript
  • Backend

    • AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, Kinesis, S3
    • Python, Node, Java, Flask, Express

I am available for contract and full time positions.