sudarshan gaikaiwari

mostly programming

Four concepts that are often confused

2006/04 sudarshan gaikaiwariTech

From Dive Into Python

statically typed language
A language in which types are fixed at compile time. Most statically typed languages enforce this by requiring you to declare all variables with their datatypes before using them. Java and C are statically typed languages.
dynamically typed language
A language in which types are discovered at execution time; the opposite of statically typed. VBScript and Python are dynamically typed, because they figure out what type a variable is when you first assign it a value.
strongly typed language
A language in which types are always enforced. Java and Python are strongly typed. If you have an integer, you can't treat it like a string without explicitly converting it.
weakly typed language
A language in which types may be ignored; the opposite of strongly typed. VBScript is weakly typed. In VBScript, you can concatenate the string '12' and the integer 3 to get the string '123', then treat that as the integer 123, all without any explicit conversion.

I like these clear and concise definitions. Hope it reduces the confusion between dynamic typing and strong typing

Sudarshan Gaikaiwari

Sudarshan Gaikaiwari I am an experienced software developer. My current stack is

  • Frontend

    • React, Webpack, Babel, Emotion, Gatsby
    • es6+, Typescript
  • Backend

    • AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, Kinesis, S3
    • Python, Node, Java, Flask, Express

I am available for contract and full time positions.